Robert Tolar

Country and Constitution
before Partisan Politics
I am disheartened by the divisive rhetoric that has consumed our country. It’s time to bring the temperature down to let cooler heads prevail with moderate voices and mature temperament. I believe that if we simply talk to each other more openly and with mutual respect, we’ll prove our country is less divided than we are led to believe.
I’m committed to representing the beliefs and values of District 6’s voters. I want to hear about what matters to YOU.
The divisive rhetoric of the two-party system is tearing our country apart. I believe that if we simply talk to each other more openly and listen to one another, we’ll find that we are more united than divided.
I will hold monthly in-person townhall meetings throughout District 6. I will ask and listen to what matters most to you the voters and I am committed to representing your views in the ND Senate.